Our services: find out how we can help you
You are about to relocate to Italy and set up a new production subsidiary. You have decided to open a representative office and manage the sales office. You want to acquire an Italian company to expand the market.
Whatever your choice, the complexity of the Italian bureaucracy is among the critical aspects. The Italian regulations change, the procedures that the Group has acquired for the administrative and accounting management, at international level, are different.
To understand how to work well in Italy, have good profits and avoid tax problems, there is a solution. In our firm we have been used to international tax consultancy for more than thirty years. Each client receives a personalized service from us. We will not ask you to change your habits: we will adapt to your needs.
Corporate Finance
Support in the opening of companies of all kinds, permanent organizations and representative offices in Italy and in solving problems of international tax law. Transfer pricing control.
Enterprise Crisis Monitoring
Monitoring of all business assets with the aim of intercepting crisis indicators, identifying interventions to safeguard companies in difficulty.
Extraordinary Transactions
Assistance in every phase of extraordinary operations such as mergers, demergers, sales of companies or their branches, acquisitions and company reorganizations. Pre-acquisition due diligence (pre-acquisition due diligence).
Tax consultancy
Advice and assistance in relations with the tax authorities, in the related reporting requirements and in the assessment in general. Preparation of national documentation for transfer pricing procedures.
Corporate and contractual consultancy
Advice and assistance for the establishment, modification and dissolution of any type of company; formation of contracts and problems related to their execution, preparation of individual company financial statements and consolidated financial statements.
Business Consultancy
Analysis and evaluation of company complexes, shares and/or quotas, individual assets and specific economic events. Consulting and assistance in every phase of the preparation of the social report for companies and enterprises.
Legal control of accounts
Activities of Statutory Auditor and Accounting Auditor of companies. External auditing activities.
Work wages and contributions
Labour law consultancy and assistance with payment and contribution obligations. Payroll provider.
Procedural advice
Assistance as a defender before the Provincial and Regional Tax Courts.
De Martini and Associates for Small and Medium Enterprises and Professionals
De Martini-Dugo-Nisli Associati is a trusted partner for small and medium enterprises and professionals, to resolve issues of extraordinary operations but also to offer them consulting a nd training services.
Thanks to the experience gained in assisting large organizations, the firm has always been able to help small and medium-sized enterprises in the effective management of resources.
This is one of the reasons why the firm now has a team of experienced professionals in:
- Electronic invoicing;
- preparation of national documentation for the purposes of intercompany transactions between companies and international groups.